Monday, May 7, 2007

Internships? Jobs? Anyone??

Looking for jobs and internships can be quite a challenge! Luckily it seems like all pr professionals, both new and old, always seem to know where you can find at least something to occupy your time. Your first job may not be your dream job, but you've got to start somewhere, and who might end up absolutely loving something you thought you'd hate.

I found some pretty good job search advice on one of my other fellow student pr blogs, Infiltrating PR. One of the posts aptly titled Finding Job Openings had a couple places I'd already gotten into, but she also included some new resources I hadn't tried yet. I just got on the PRSA|GA Internship Directory and University Avenue and I've already found so many exciting opportunities!

If you've got any more suggestions for professional development opportunities or internship and job openings feel free to send them my way! I'm up for anything! I always find that the person that is the most flexible and eager to learn and try anything usually ends up with the greatest rewards!

Good luck everyone!

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