When I first was given this assignment to create my own blog I dreaded the thought of actually putting my own words out into the world for everyone to read. Then it became apparent to me, after spending less than two minutes searching the Web that blogs are everywhere and for everyone, and the fact that I have the chance to even have my voice heard is something I should be happy to take advantage of.
As a senior at the University of Georgia I have spent the last four years of my life attempting to graduate with my dual degree in public relations and political science, and not until this blog assignment have I actually taken the time to talk about the issues that I am passionate about in my field, PR!
As for this medium, "the blog," which I still am trying to completely figure out, it was first really introduced to me only last semester in my PR writing and communications class. I had the awesome opportunity of attending a lecture by business blog and social media consultant Josh Hallett. It was here that I was first introduced to this innovative concept of using social media, such as blogs, to open up the world of public relations to a technologically advanced means of communication, which when used correctly, has a huge impact on society. I was so inspired by his lecture that I began to view Hallett's blog, and it opened my eyes to an entire world of communication I never knew existed.
So, although my initial motivation for creating this blog was to complete a requirement for my PR campaigns class, I now have come to realize that I have the opportunity to use this form of communication to my advantage. PR is all about communication, and unless I know how to effectively engage in all of the forms, whether they be verbal or written, I will not be able to achieve success in my pursuit of a career in PR.